Roads have started to clear, fog on my goal is vanishing day by day, my tears have started to dry, my sight is gradually getting clear, new ways and routes are open, I have keys to unlock various new doors which contain within, precious and valuable opportunities..everything gets simple and easy day by day but my soul is confused and my heart still locked with the attraction of the locked door, the keys of which are owned by God and only He knows why He didnt allow me to unlock it two years back..mind orders to run forward and grab the golden opportunities which will help me to live a fully successful life..yes fully successful but not happy..not happy because my heart still forces me to wait for the locked door to open..the heart gives me an illusion that the locked door will open one day and that I shall have the reward of my this war of mind and heart my soul is stuck in between. This mind - heart war has made my soul has scared my soul to move in either now even if the locked door opens; the door which I considered to be source of both happiness and success; my soul would be doubtful about it..this 2 year duration war between my mind and heart has made my soul just wants to stay where it is..and my soul says it wont take even a step..neither towards the locked door nor towards the open chances..come what may.